Relieving the symptoms of tax season


As we enter tax season, your body may already feel taxed after all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, and the demands of everyday life. A great way to recover from these stresses and stay centered through the tedious and sometimes painful process of tax preparation and payment, is, simply, to remember to breathe. Breathe slowly and deliberately, and use belly breathing (a technique described in the ExAIRcise section of Vitality Fusion Second Edition). It is the first step in managing stress, and will help to reduce tax time tension.

The gentle movement of the breathing will reduce the tightness throughout your body and increase circulation from head to toe. This free flow of energy will help you think more clearly as you organize your tax information. With the additional oxygen moving through your body, you may also have an epiphany on how to reduce your expenses or increase your income. Let your body support your mind and let both work as a team as you gracefully move through tax season!

StressFabrizio Scippa