Let’s talk about your current issues and find the best approach for supporting your dealing with them. Whether stress, anxiety, or sleep disorders, or just an immunity boost to help you through COVID-19, there are ancient and modern techniques that we can discuss, and then develop into a personalized plan. Learning is the first step — my learning about your challenges, and your learning about all the protocols that can be fused together to get you back on the road to true vitality. The word “enlighten” is from an Old English word which meant literally “to light, to illuminate.” I think you’ll find that after our first conversation we would have both not only been a little more illuminated, but also that your current burdens would have already lightened a bit.
Dear Reader: Your unique journey is what makes you special. Somehow, it has brought you to this page. I want to hear about your life experiences, especially your current challenges. If you are interested or in need, I am here to offer body, mind and spirit support that is as customized and personalized to you as your own unique journey.
“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique.”

About Susan Shane
Throughout my own journey, I have experienced many transformations. I have had three overlapping careers: I danced professionally, fulfilling a lifelong childhood dream (Flashdance inspired); I ran a personal fitness company, helping clients to achieve their fitness goals (laughter included); and for the last twenty five years, I’ve also managed an acupuncture and herbal medicine practice, this time helping patients achieve their wellness goals (vitality infused). A few career highlights include graduating magna cum laude from Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine, participating as a longstanding member of the Community Advisory Board member at the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine in La Jolla, CA and speaking about wellness at Qualcomm, Chuao Chocolatier and UCSD.
“What I have learned and found key to a vital life is integrated balance.”
But it didn’t really take my active adult journey to learn this lesson: When I was 2, my father, had a debilitating accident that left him paralyzed from the waist down. He never walked again. From a wheelchair, he rose above his physical challenge and taught me to “follow my heart.” He also emphasized keeping a balanced perspective as I marched through life (my dad was in the Stanford marching band as a clarinetist and participated in the 1952 Rose Bowl parade – a true life highlight for him).
My own journey’s life lesson, whether learned at an early age or reinforced as an adult, is what guides my Vitality Fusion approach: By keeping a positive outlook, supporting my vital energy and integrating many holistic healing traditions, I found hope, balance, and with it, resilience. Having found them, though, it now seems that the only way I can keep them is to use whatever knowledge and abilities I am blessed with to help others do the same.
Susan Shane
Are you ready for Wellness?
The Vitality Fusion Approach
My own journey’s life lesson, whether learned at an early age or reinforced as an adult, is what guides my Vitality Fusion approach. After I studied Traditional Oriental Medicine and I learned many healing modalities to balance the body, I knew I had found my calling. My passion has always focused on helping people create a vital lifestyle. This is why I named by book and wellness approach “Vitality Fusion.” My system holds that only by “fusing” the optimum therapeutic approaches of both ancient and modern medicine, and customizing them to particular issues, can true vitality flourish. And it all begins with balance.
Did your journey bring you here because you feel off-kilter or need more grounding? Are you anxious, super stressed or experiencing low immunity? In today’s world, it is so easy for your life to get out of balance. This is a time where almost everything we come into contact with, or try not to come into contact with, is creating a state of imbalance. Would you like to balance your body, mind and spirit? The Vitality Fusion wellness method is available to help yourself help yourself. And no, that’s not a typo — your journey, the one that brought you to reading this sentence, is the same journey that can lead you to a new path to restorative health and balance.
Just press the “Tell Me More” button, and we can chat at no cost to you - it is my honor to support you!